כאנשי חינוך אנו מאמינים ששותפות של הורה בתהליך הלמידה של הילד מוביל לתוצאות טובות יותר. ביקשנו מסוזי שולמית גל מומחית להוראת אנגלית לחלוק מנסיונה ולתת להורים המעוניינים לתמוך בתהליך...
The Right Mindset to Learning English (Or Any Language)
When you’re trying to learn a new language one of the most important things is your mindset. It’s about how you approach learning the language. Some people are afraid to even begin learning a language because they expect it will be too difficult. They make it even harder on themselves because of this. If you go into learning a language believing that you won’t be able to learn it then, well, you’ll never learn it!
Frustration is also a major issue when it comes to learning a language. You become afraid that you will be unable to learn and then you get frustrated when you make mistakes. It’s almost a justification that you were right to assume you’d never be able to learn the language and it is very, very frustrating. It’s also holding you back and stopping you from learning the language. Far too many people get stuck in this cycle of fear and frustration and they never make any progress. Even if you start making initial progress you can hit a wall when the fear and frustration set in. This cycle of negative feedback makes it almost impossible for you to advance in your studies.
This is why it becomes so important that you have the right attitude to learning English. You need to go into learning English believing that you can learn the language and believing that you will use it. The more you use a language the quicker you pick it up, even if you stumble and make mistakes. Remember that mistakes are there to be learned from. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake because the only way to not make mistakes is to actually make them. It sounds crazy but it’s true. Mistakes are a part of life.
The first 20 hours that you are learning a language (or doing anything) are key. That first day is incredibly important. If you come out of the first 20 hours believing that you can’t achieve something then you likely never will. Practice and study right from the get go and give yourself the proper attitude to actually learning English and you’ll be surprised at how far you can go. You don’t need to get stuck in the endless cycle of fear and frustration.
Remember as well that the more you use a language the more you really do learn it. Even if you have a limited vocabulary you can take that vocabulary and master it by using it more often. You learn words when you need them, not because a textbook tells you that you need them.
Learning anything is all about having the right attitude and mindset. Believe that you can do something and you will. Believe that you will fail and you will. Avoid getting bogged down with negative thoughts and feelings, especially in those first 20 hours, and you’ll have a lot of fun learning and using a new language quickly and efficiently.
כאנשי חינוך אנו מאמינים ששותפות של הורה בתהליך הלמידה של הילד מוביל לתוצאות טובות יותר. ביקשנו מסוזי שולמית גל מומחית להוראת אנגלית לחלוק מנסיונה ולתת להורים המעוניינים לתמוך בתהליך...
בעקבות הקורונה והפגיעה בלימודי האנגלית בבתי הספר ניכר כי היום מרבית ההורים הבינו כי עליהם למצוא פתרונות עצמאיים כדי לדאוג לכך שילדיהם ידברו אנגלית בשטף ובביטחון. עוד לפני הקורונה...
Creating Good English Learning Habits
Hi everyone, my name is Danielle from speakingenglish.co.il Today, I am going to be sharing with you seven easy tips and tricks that will help you create good English...